Presentació LifeClinomics al CONAMA 2016
Read presentation Clinomics in Conama (Content in English).
Read presentation Clinomics in Conama (Content in English).
Official presentation of LIFE CLINOMICS in Vilafranca del Penedès with the participation of project partners, local stakeholders and experts from the three territories and the three economic sectors involved with the project.
The Biosphere Reserve of Terres de l'Ebre is one of the largest in Spain. It includes the four counties of the southernmost part of Catalonia with 45 municipalities, coinciding with the final stretch of the Ebre river. With a total area of 367,000 ha, 80% is land and the rest is marine area. It is [...]
Physical features: Montseny, sanding out between the plains of Vallès, Osona and La Selva, is a mountainous block with a characteristic profile, steep and visible from many places in Catalonia and well known for the beauty of its landscapes. The special land orography, altitude differences and distance from the sea together with typical Mediterranean [...]
24 November 2016, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Forum Berger Balaguer in Vilafranca del Penedès (Rambla de Nostra Senyora, n. 6)
16.30-16.40h: Benvinguda i presentació de la jornada.
16.40-17.40h: Impactes del canvi climàtic i mesures d’adaptació.
17.40-18.10h: La visió dels actors del territori.
18.10h-18.30h: Per què som socis del Life CLINOMICS?
El Penedès offers a unique and special landscape that is characterized by its endless vineyards, splashes of farmhouses, cellars and cavas. The region of Alt Penedès is governed by the landscape pattern of the vineyard, which, through the wine and cava industry and its associated clusters, generates a particular socioeconomic fabric. The vineyard alternates with [...]