
About Albert Climent

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So far Albert Climent has created 111 blog entries.

LifeClinomics in the Medi Ambient a Catalunya 2016-2017 report (Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat de la Generalitat de Catalunya).


LifeClinomics in the Medi Ambient a Catalunya 2016-2017 report. Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat de la Generalitat de Catalunya. The publication "Medi Ambient a Catalunya" arrives at edition no. 16. As in previous occasions, the objective is to make available to the public a tool that facilitates, year after year, to monitor the evolution of the most significant environmental variables and, in this way, to know the trends of environmental vectors in Catalonia.

Third joint meeting MeTACC (May 9, 2019)

2019/05/03|Diary, Terres de l'Ebre|

This III MeTACC will be the last joint meeting of the three territories. The objective is to assess the synergies between the activity of the three MeTACC's and the different Action Plans. Also, identify the difficulties that we have encountered, make a first balance on the possible real impact of the project, the plans and the final actions and discuss its continuity.

The Diputación de Barcelona presents Life Clinomics at the CONAMA LOCAL DE TOLEDO 2019


The Diputación de Barcelona explains the participatory methodology of Life Clinomics within the framework of the CONAMA LOCAL of Toledo (April 3, 2019). Attendees are invited to sign the Pact for adaptation to climate change and are offered tools to replicate the project. The Diputación de Granada (Andalusia) and the NELS network (Navarra) expressed their interest in replicating the project in their territories.